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News in Context: Bioethics News to Watch in 2015

국외 조회 수 351 추천 수 0 2015.01.27 11:36:23
날짜 : 2015-01-17 
관련 링크 : http://www.thehastingscenter.org/News/Detail.aspx?id=7273 
기관 / 기타정보 : The Hastings Center 


Center News > News Story

News in Context: Bioethics News to Watch in 2015

Bioethics is frequently in the news. Even if the word itself doesn’t appear—and it usually doesn’t—bioethics questions and ideas are there, in stories about care near the end of life, health care costs, genetic and genomics testing, assisted reproduction, and other topics related to medicine, health care, and the life sciences. Hardly a week goes by when journalists don’t come to our research scholars for interviews to clarify and give perspective on some new development.

The Hastings Center staff got together at the end of 2014 to discuss major bioethics news of the year. Then we refined the list of topics to focus on news that is developing and therefore is certain or likely to have impact in the year ahead. Here are eight news stories to watch in 2015.  

Ebola crisis

Health care for undocumented immigrants.

Legalizing physician aid in dying

Implications of Hobby Lobby decision

Other challenges to the ACA

Torture and professional ethics

Assisted reproduction concerns

Freezing eggs, freezing time

출처 및 자세한 내용 보기  : http://www.thehastingscenter.org/News/Detail.aspx?id=7273

List of Articles
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