생명윤리정책연구센터 자료

Biomedical Law and Ethics (2007~ 2011) (zipfile)


등록일  2012.03.09

조회수  12347

ISSN :  1976-3727


* Biomedical Law and Ethics. Vol.1 No.1 (September 2007)



Bioethics Policy As a New Interdisplinary Study ... 1 / Kyungsuk Choi

Gestational Surrogacy in Japan ... 21 / Aratsu Fumika

Autonomy and Informed Consent in the Patients who Attempted Suicide ... 65 / Hyuna Bae

Women, Egg Donation & Ethics: Women's Rights in Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer (SCNT) Research ... 81 / Kyongjin Ahn


Biological Ground of Virtue Ethics ... 101 / Soojyng Kim


* Biomedical Law and Ethics. Vol.2 No.1 (March 2008)



Neuroscience and Personhood ... 109

Dan Ernst

Organ Transplantation Coordinators' View on the Identify Problem of the Recipient after Xenotransplantation in Korea ... 117

Hyujung Mo, Ivo Kwon

Ethics, Culture and Relativism: Some Reflections on Teaching Medical Ethics in Contemporary Sri Lanka ... 131

S.N. Arseculeratne, R. Simpson,
P.D. Premasiri, P.V.R. Kumarasiri

From Institutional Paternalism to Parental Despotism: the Continuing Appeal of Eugenics ... 161

Stefano Fait


*  Biomedical Law and Ethics. Vol.2 No.2 (September 2008)


The Causes of China's Abnormal Sex Ratio and Improved Approaches ... 195
- Yanguang Wang

Centres of Ethical Gravity: A Comparison of Responses to Contemporary Biomedical Dilemmas among Young People in Sri Lanka and England ... 211
- P.V.R. Kumarasiri , S.N. Arseculeratne

Asian Cultures: Providing Historical Antecednts for Contemporary Bioethics ...239
- Leonardo D. de Castro

Le droit et les institutions de l'insanite d'esprit en France sous l'ancien Regime ... 249
- Christine Peny


*  Biomedical Law and Ethics. Vol.3 No.1 (March 2009)


1. Analysis and Explanation of American Laws, Regulations, and Policies on Embryo Research and Genetic Research ... Susan Cartier Poland / 1

2. Bioethics as a New Challenge to Philosophy ... Kyungsuk Choi / 21

3. Les avancees de la loi du 27 juin 1990 et de la du 4 mars 2002 en matiere de legislation psychiatrique francaise ... Christine Peny / 37

4. Is the Use of So Called :Restored Kidneys for Transplantation is Ethically Unjustified? ... Tsuyoshi Awaya, Miyako Takagi / 69

5. Menschenwurdiges Sterben - Thpologie des Rechts und normative Grundlagen ... Gunnar Duttage / 81


*  Biomedical Law and Ethics. Vol.3 No.2 (September 2009)


* Biomedical Law and Ethics. Vol.4 No.1 (June 2010)


What is Bioethics and Law? - From the Korean Perspective 1
(Hyeon-Chul Kim)

Korean Perspectives on Stem Cell Research : A Nation-wide Survey 17
(Ivo Kwon)

A study on the regulation of the egg donation and the compensation for the egg donation in Korea 35
(Eun-Ae Kim)

korean Law Relevant to Bioethical Issues and Its problems 55
(Kyung-Suk Choi)



*  Biomedical Law and Ethics. Vol.4 No.2 (December 2010)


* Biomedical Law and Ethics. Vol.5 No.1 (June 2011)

biomedicallawandethics1_5.zip (19.18MB / 다운로드  117)