
Initial Reflections on the Principle of Non-discrimination and Non-stigmatization

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국가 국제공통
관련링크 http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0021/002174/217421e.pdf


   Within the framework of the 2012-2013 work programme of the International Bioethics Committee of UNESCO (IBC), the Committee will elaborate the Principle of Non-Discrimination and Non-Stigmatization as set forth in Article 11 of the Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights (2005), by using this principle as a “conceptual umbrella” under which the new risks and responsibilities arising from progress in different sensitive areas of medicine, life sciences and associated technology (including but not limited to access to drugs; biobanks; HIV/AIDS; nanotechnologies; neuroscience; and organs, tissues and cells transplantation and trafficking) could be transversally analyzed. This working document contains initial reflections by the focal points of the IBC Working Group on the Principle of Non-Discrimination and Non-Stigmatization, presented to the 19th Session of the IBC (UNESCO Headquarters, Paris, 11-12 September 2012) for consideration by the Committee, and as a possible basis for the development of a draft report of the Committee on this principle. . It does not pretend to be exhaustive nor prescriptive and does not necessarily represent the views of the Member States of UNESCO.




Title: Initial reflections on the Principle of Non-discrimination and Non-stigmatization
Corporate author: International Bioethics Committee
Imprint: 23 Aug. 2012
Publ Year: 2012
Collation: 27 p.
Original Language: English
Other Lang. versions: French
Other lang. title: Réflexions initiales concernant le principe de non-discrimination et de non-stigmatisation
Document code: SHS/EGC/IBC-19/12/2
General notes: Incl. bibl.
Main descriptors: discrimination; medical ethics; bioethics; human rights; international instruments
Secondary descriptors: drugs; AIDS; nanotechnology; nervous systems; organ transplantation
On line: Yes
Eng Fre
Document Type: UNESCO document
Catalog Number: 217421
Source code: ssc

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